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We believe:


In one God, which exists eternally in Three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is the Creator, Ruler, and Sustainer of all things.



That Jesus Christ is God, the only born Son of the Father, born of the Holy Spirit through the Virgin Mary; that Jesus was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead; that He ascended to heaven, and today He is to the right of the Father interceding for the saints. He was born "in the flesh", lived "in the flesh", died "in the flesh", was buried "in the flesh", rose "in the flesh", rose to heaven "in the flesh" and returned to the earth "in the flesh".



That the Holy Spirit is God, Who baptizes the believer, fills the believer, gives power and gifts to the believer for various works for the benefit and edification of the Church.



That the Bible is the Word of God revealed and inspired, infallible in the original writings.



That man is sinful, devoid of the glory of God, and that he cannot save himself.



That salvation is God's exclusive work through the sacrifice of the Son. The Holy Spirit uses the Bible to convince man that he is a sinner and that the only solution to his sin is repentance and faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. When the sinner repents and believes in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit makes him born again and declares him justified before God. Then the believer enters the process of sanctification that culminates in glorification in glory of Christ.



That the Church exists for the fellowship, edification and equipping of believers to expand the Kingdom of God.



In two symbols of the Church: baptism in water and the Lord's Supper.

Baptism in water, by immersion, symbolizes our death and resurrection with Christ. Baptism is applied based of personal faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

The Lord's supper is the celebration of remembrance of Christ's sacrifice, it is the occasion of self-analysis, and it is the declaration of faith that Jesus will return.



That the family is based on the Biblical principle of marriage between a man and a woman.



In the eschatological events presented in the Bible:

Resurrection of the Saints

Rapture of the Church

The Great Tribulation

1000 years reign of Christ

Final judgment

A New Heaven and a New Earth in which righteousness will dwell.

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